Success Stories

Alex Lopez

My weight loss journey started with a promise to my dad. One of our last conversations we had before he passed was a promise to get healthy. So when it came down to start, I looked at my friends Cesar & Mauricio Gonzalez who have achieved so much working out with

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Success Stories

Nikki Vilven

I started training with Aaron a little over a year ago and I’m so glad I made that decision!! It has made me stronger, both physically and mentally. I never thought that I would be able to lift the weight that I have worked up to, and I’m now very focused on my health and fitness. I used to do a lot of cardio, but no toning/weight training. Since I have been training with Aaron, I have lost weight and inches, and gained muscle. With his guidance and motivation, I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been!!

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Success Stories

Cynthia Guerrero

Aaron Chaney is truly an excellent trainer and highly recommended. I’ve been a happy client of his for the past year. When I first starting training with Aaron my goal was focused on weight loss and gaining muscle. The results I’ve achieved to date are largely due to Aaron’s perfect combination of diverse training methods, individualized exercise programs & challenging yet achievable goal setting.

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Success Stories

Angelica Fortin

When asked what I wanted for my 33rd birthday, I jokingly told my husband I wanted to lose 20 lbs., be really fit for the first time in my life, and learn to roller skate. He responded by gifting me with 4 personal training sessions with Aaron.

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Success Stories

Paola Conrique

Name any diet or fad and I can almost guarantee that I have tried it and failed. So when a friend of mine lost 20 lbs working out with Aaron, I knew I had to try it. I have been working with Aaron for the past year, and I’ve never felt better about my body and weight.

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Success Stories

Cesar Gonzalez

Working out with Aaron Chaney has transformed my life. He has introduced me to a whole new lifestyle that includes eating clean balanced meals, working out safely

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Success Stories

Mauricio Gonzalez

I’ve struggled with my weight for most of my life. Like most people, I’ve been on different diets and plans with limited success before falling back into bad habits. The difference with Aaron Chaney is that he doesn’t have the same old tired approach to diet and exercise.

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Success Stories

Carlos Martinez

The reality check came when I was chasing my kids around the playground and getting winded, it was embarrassing. I looked around and saw other out of shape dads just sitting around and watching their children play instead of playing with them,

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