The reality check came when I was chasing my kids around the playground and getting winded, it was embarrassing. I looked around and saw other out of shape dads just sitting around and watching their children play instead of playing with them, I didn’t want that so right then and there I knew I had to make a change if I wanted to see my sons grow up and be a part of their lives!

I reached out to Aaron Chaney and told him of my worries, within one week we started training and even though it was my own determination to shed the weight, it was Aaron’s programs and workouts that got me to where I am today. Conditioning me slowly at first with the cruelest of exercises like lunges, the prowler and squats HA HA! I combined our regular training sessions with some light cardio and his personal nutrition plan and within five months I lost 64 pounds!

With San Diego Strength and Wellness being a smaller facility with all of the proper equipment needed to get yourself in shape, I felt more comfortable to go in and put in the work! The staff and other members are very supportive, everyone pushes and cheers each other on when they see others struggling with a workout or about to give up. It’s an awesome feeling knowing you’re not alone and there are others that want to see you succeed and succeed themselves in this fitness journey.

One last thing about Aaron, he loves to celebrate the victories his clients achieve, whether in weight loss or in life. I have been very impressed by his passion to help his clients, his knowledge, and his ability to connect with whomever he’s training. I greatly appreciate all that he has done for me and am thankful for all the time and effort in helping me to achieve my current and future fitness goals.

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