Eating Healthy While Eating Out!

When you eat at home, you know what you’re getting. Head to a restaurant, and it’s another story. The ingredients, method of preparation, and portion size can easily add excess calories to your diet. Restaurant menus have so many choices and are often full of unfamiliar terms. Is a food

Falling Off The Exercise Wagon!

If you are looking for an excuse to fall off the exercise wagon, the universe will provide one. Is this you? Have you relapsed into your old unhealthy habits? The sad truth is that nearly everyone who started off 2015 with strong fitness goals has by now given up. I

13 Tips For Your Best Body!

You know that diet and exercise are important when it comes to creating your best body, but you may be overlooking other techniques for getting into the best shape. Turn the following 13 simple tips into habits and watch as your body transforms. 1) Eat a Smart Breakfast. Most people